By March 3, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Problem Solving and Decision Making, Jakarta, Batam

Problem Solving and Decision Making
Hotel Acacia atau Hotel Swiss Bell, Batam| Senin – Selasa 28-29 Maret 2011(20 jam efektif)| Rp. 2.500.000,-


Every supervisor and manager must have the skill of Problem Solving and Decision Making. Every day in their routine and ad hoc job, they are constantly faced with problems, from a simple one to a very serious problem. Without this ability, they will not be able to deliver expected results.

It is therefore; we design this workshop to provide participants with a disciplined approach to problem solving and decision-making that allows them to tackle any difficulty both systematically and creatively.


Other Benefits

  • Learn and apply a proven process for managing complex issues by separating them into workable pieces and setting priority
  • Learn a step-by-step process for identifying, analyzing and resolving any problem –efficiently and cost-effectively
  • Learn to make the best decision even when the choice between alternatives is unclear
  • Learn to apply a unique process to anticipate potential problems before they occur and maximize potential opportunities before the competition does.
  • Learn to face up problems
  • Define problems correctly
  • Anticipate problems more easily.


Who Should Attend

  • Supervisors, supervisor to be or new appointed managers who wants to use experience –to be more decisive, confident and effective…generate new ideas…develop actionable plan…and achieve results
  • Managers who want to improve his/her competency in problem solving and decision making.



  • Two days – 16 hours
  • 28-29 Maret 2011
  • Hotel Acacia atau Hotel Swiss Bell, Batam
  • Rp. 2.500.000 (Material Kit, Lunch, Coffee Break, ATK, Certificate)



Menduduki jabatan menjadi sebagai seorang supervisor merupakan hari-hari kritis pada karir seseorang. Hal ini disebabkan, karir berikutnya akan sangat tergantung pada keberhasilannya sebagai seorang supervisor. Bila ia berhasil menjadi seorang supervisor, dapat diharapkan maka ia akan lebih mudah menjadi berhasil pada tangga karir berikutnya.


Namun, banyak sekali supervisor diangkat tanpa didahului dengan persiapan yang matang, seperti membekali dengan pengetahuannya tentang apa yang merupakan fungsi dan perannya sebagai supervisor, apa yang merupkan kontribusinya bagi organisasi dan lain-lain. Sehingga, banyak supervisor masih bekerja seperti seorang pelaksana yang mengakibatkan harapan perusahaan yang ada di pundak supervisor tidak dapat diwujudkan.

Untuk itulah, kami merancang program pelathan 2½ hari ini untuk membekali para supervisor dengan pengetahuan tentang apa fungsi dan perannya sebagai supervisor.


Manfaat Lain

Dengan mengikuti pelatihan ini, manfaat lain yang didapatkan peserta antara lain adalah mereka

  • Mulai berpikir sebagai seorang manajer dan seorang pemimpin
  • Mengetahui konsep manajemen dan bagaimana penerapannya di unit kerja mereka
  • Mengetahui apa kriteria keberhasilan seorang supervisor
  • Mengetahui bagaimana memimpin berdasarkan kepemimpinan situasional
  • Mengetahui bagaimana memotivasi anak buah
  • Bagaimana memberikan perintah dengan benar
  • Bagaimana melakukan umpan balik kepada anak buah
  • Bagaimana melakukan penilaian karya.

Target Peserta

  • Para calon supervisor, para supervisor dan para manajer baru
  • Para supervisor veteran yang belum pernah mengikuti pelatihan supervise efektif.



Introduction / Background

  • Workshop objectives
  • Expectation of participants
  • Why do we need to solve problems and make decisions?

Problem Analysis

  • Development of a Problem Statement
  • Identify a Desired State or Goal
  • Test of a Good Problem Statement
  • Identification of Potential Cause(s)
  • Determination of the Most Likely Cause(s)
  • Identification of the True Root Cause(s).

Situation Analysis

  • Issues Identification
  • Separating Issues into Workable Pieces
  • Setting Priorities
  • Resolving each Issue.

Decision Analysis

  • Determining the Decision Statement
  • Developing and Assign Weights to Criteria
  • Apply the Criteria
  • Identify the Negative Consequences
  • Choose the Best Solution(s).

Potential Problem Analysis

  • Develop an Action Plan
  • Determine the Critical Areas
  • Determine the Contingency Actions.

Closing (Summary and Conclusion).



1. Sahala P. Sinurat, MSc accomplished, after getting a scholarship from Overseas Fellowship Program (World Bank), his master degree in Operations Research from University of Delaware, Newark (US) in 1990.

With a proven record of teaching, training and consulting experiences and exposure to different cultures behind him, as he held several positions at various organizations that include:

  • Consultant and Professional Staff to Lembaga PPM
  • Training and Development Manager for Rothmans of Pall Mall Indonesia
  • Training and Development Manager for the British American Tobacco (BAT).

Mr Sinurat has more than 7500 hours of teaching in addition to his consulting experience. His client list include PT Phillip Morris Indonesia, PT Jasa Marga, PT Pelindo II, PT DaimlerChrysler, PT Capsugel Indonesia, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, PT BAT, PT Rothmans of Pall Mall Indonesia, PT Coca Cola Bottling Company, PT Amarta Karya, PT Surveyor Indonesia, etc.


2. Twela Gunawan is a senior professional staff of PT Samchads Consulting Indonesia. Born in Jakarta. Having graduated from the Faculty or Economics, University of Indonesia, he continued and attained his post graduate degree in business administration from the Graduate School of Institute for Business Indonesia (IBII), Jakarta.

He displays an extensive career in the field of marketing and human resources as he has held several positions such as Junior Staff at PT SGV-Utomo, Media Marketing Manager to Chuo-Senko Inc. Indonesia, Advertising Manager to PT Masa Merdeka, Account (Client Service) Manager of PT Cipta Citra Advertising, Professional Staff to Institute for Management Development and Education (LPPM), Assistant General Manager of Federal Express-Indonesia, Senior Human Resources Manager of PT Profindo Semesta Indonesia and Acting GM–Human Resources to BOC Gases Indonesia.

With more than 20 years of working background, he is an experienced trainer, consultant and group facilitator. His extensive client list includes Astra Group, Matahari Department Store, Lily Kasoem Optical, Pasar Raya Dept. Store, NV Soedarpo Inc., Caltex Pacific, etc.


Jadwal :

Senin – Selasa 28-29 Maret 2011(20 jam efektif)


Tempat :

Hotel Acacia atau Hotel Swiss Bell, Batam


Investasi :

Rp. 2.500.000,-


Posted in: Batam

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