Hotel Harris, Tebet/Setiabudi Building II, Kuningan-Jakarta Selatan | 16 – 18 Maret 2011 | Rp. 3.000.000,-
Problem Solving and subsequent decision making related with the task of managers and/or supervisors every result-oriented organization. The recent introduction of new systems and technologies, including process technologies and information technologies, put a stronger emphasis for individual workers to be able to come up with clear, tangible solutions on every occasion. With the increasing emphasis on improvement initiative in the workplace, it is essential that managers and/or supervisors know how to recognize, define, and analyze their problems and then develop workable solutions.
After completing the workshop, participants should be able to:
- Understand the framework of problem solving and decision making
- Define the problems in a specific statement
- Make a priority scale of the problems
- Identify cause of the problem in a systematic way
- Gather relevant information needed for solving the problem
- Make rational decision by considering specific criteria and its negative consequences
- Make action plan to implement the decision
This course is applicable to anyone – manager and/or supervisor – who has ever felt they are juggling too many tasks at one time, who wants to be more in control of their life and become more effective and productive in the workplace.
The skills of Problem Solving and Decision Making can not be taught solely by lecturing, instead the teaching method in developing skills should be any combination of discussion, exercise, case study and other simulation techniques. This workshop will be conducted in a very participative way through “learning by doing”, such as:
- Discussion
- Exercise
- Case study
- Experiential Learning
Group Discussion and Presentation
Dra. Jenny Soeseno, Psi
Adalah Master Trainer di bidang Personality Development, Communication & Human Resource, dengan pengalaman memberikan training dan konsultansi selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Dengan pengalaman karir terakhir sebagai Senior Manager HR pada sebuah bank terkemuka di Indonesia.
Selain dikenal sebagai trainer yang handal selama bergabung di John Robert Powers, beliau juga memberikan training di berbagai lembaga dan perusahaan terutama untuk topik-topik: Personal Development, Interpersonal Communication, Time & Stress Management, Business Presentation, Motivation, Strategic Interview & Recruitment, dsb.
Investasi :
(termasuk materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat)
Tempat : (mentioned in confirmation letter)
- Hotel Harris, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan
- Setiabudi Building II, Kuningan-Jakarta Selatan