Yogyakarta | 2-4 Juli 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 9-11 Juli 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 27-29 Agustus 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 3-5 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 10-12 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 17-19 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Yogyakarta | 24-26 September 2012 | Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta
Good Laboratory Practices is one of very good tools used to ensure that all the activities carried out in a laboratory comply with all regulations both local and international. Recently, more and more laboratories adopt this practices to achieve an excellent level in their operation. As with ISO/IEC 17025, this practices assure that the output generated from their operation is valid, reliable, accurate and can be accepted internationally.
After having been trained, all trainees are expected to be able to implement good laboratory practices and have a deep knowledge of monitoring the performance of their laboratory
Course Content
- Perception regarding What is GLP
- History of GLP
- GLP versus ISO 17025
- Principles of GLP according to OECD
- General Overview and Basic Points of GLP
- Resources : Personnel & facilities
- Rules: Protocol/Study Plan & SOP
- Characterization : Test Item & Test System
- Documentation : Raw data & Collection of data, Final Report, Archieve & Indexing
- Qualit Assurance Unit : Audit of Final report & Raw Data, Statement of Quality Assurance, Inspection of Supplier & Contractor
- Distribution & Archieving Report
- Case Studies
Who Should Attend
- Researchers
- Quality Managers in Testing Laboratories
- Technical Managers in Testing Laboratories
- Supervisors in Testing Laboratories
- Technician in Testing Laboratories
- Head of Testing Laboratories
- All who involved in Research and the development of laboratory quality management system
Ir. Ating Sudrajat, MT dan Team
Instruktur merupakan salah satu staf pengelola laboraturium Instrumentasi dan Pengukuran Teknik kimia di Politeknik Negeri bandung (POLBAN)
Time & Venue
- 2-4 Juli 2012
- 9-11 Juli 2012
- 27-29 Agustus 2012
- 3-5 September 2012
- 10-12 September 2012
- 17-19 September 2012
- 24-26 September 2012
- Hotel Melia/IBIS/Jambuluwuk/ atau hotel lainnya yang akan dikonfirmasikan melalui undangan seminar.
- Time : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Course Fee
- Rp. 5.500.000 per peserta (Non Residensial)
- Jumlah peserta minimal untuk pelaksanaan di bandung 5 (lima) orang, sesuai konfirmasi yang kami terima seminggu sebelum pelaksanaan. Dalam hal jumlah peserta kurang dari ketentuan minimal tersebut maka keputusan pelaksanaannya dapat dibicarakan kedua belah pihak untuk mendapatkan solusi terbaik.
- Pendaftaran peserta minimal 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama, akan mendapatkan discount 10,5% per peserta
- Training Kit ( Blocknote, pen, stabillo)
- Bag or bagpackers
- ·Module / Handout
- ·Softcopy Materi
- Talenta Merchandise
- Sertifikat pelatihan
- Training room full AC and Multimedia
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch
- Airport pickup service ( hanya untuk Jogja)