By October 31, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Practical MBA for managers

Practical MBA for managers
Takes Mansion Hotel, Thamrin,  Jakarta | 20 dan 27  November 2011  | IDR 7.500.000/person
Takes Mansion Hotel, Thamrin,  Jakarta | 04, 11, 18 Desember 2011  | IDR 7.500.000/person


In order to succeed in the business world, managers are increasingly coming under pressure to have a more holistic understanding of business as a whole. To provide maximum benefit to their organizations, it is important for managers to not only understand their own area of specialty but to also have a good working understanding of business as a whole. In order to assist managers to achieve a well-rounded business understanding, we offer a special workshop : Practical MBA for managers


Activate Capability

This unit is a series of 4-day comprehensive workshop covering everything you would expect to find in a leading MBA program and, more importantly, every type of challenge affecting your organization’s future and your personal success.

This 4-day workshop provides learners with applied, industry-standard business skills and knowledge, and to offer learners the opportunity to capitalize on their strengths and to expand the scope of their abilities to continue extraordinary careers.

Key Benefits

  • Expose yourself to broader business concepts
  • Gain a holistic understanding of business
  • Make yourself more valuable to your company
  • Network with other professionals


This worskhop is designed for ambitious managers and especially those who are now facing more challenging roles.  It is suitable for those who have changed industry and need to think about the challenges facing their new market place. It will be of particular benefit to busy managers who want to gain a good understanding of the strategic aspects of management, whilst giving an overview of business procedures and their interconnectivity.



DAY 1 : LEADERSHIP & Enterpreneurship

  1.  Your entrepreneurial spirit within.
  2. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an entrepreneur.
  3. The self-building process of developing the knowledge and skills in becoming an entrepreneur

Trainer: Norlent Pasaribu, SE,SH,MSi : Chief Operating Officer (COO) PT. Cigading International Bulk Terminal (CIBT)

DAY 2 : Strategic Management

  1. Results of research on: Why companies can be successful. From 7s to BSC. The latest research: 7 essentials of high growth companies (David  G. Thomson)
  2. Results of research on: Why even successful companies  could fail. From billion dollar lessons to how the mighty fall
  3. SWOT and 5Cs, Analysing Internal and External Factors
  4. Business Level Strategies + Cases
  5. Strategies for riding a tidal wave  of business  2011 + Cases

TrainerRonaldo ManurungMM – Senior Lean Manager at SHINSUNG Group. Expertise in Strategic Management and Business Process Improvement and some other continuous improvement activities

DAY 3 : Human Resources Management

  1. Man Power Planning
  2. Job Analysis
  3. Recruitment – selecting, staffing
  4. Performance Management System
  5. People Development Management

Trainer: Rony Sulung, SE, MM,  certified for Global Human Resources Professional.  Senior HR Manager at Exterran

DAY 4 : Accounting and Financial Management

  1. A Profit vs. Cash Flow: What’s the Difference—and Who Cares?
  2. The Cash Flow Statement: Tracking the King
  3. Critical Performance Factors: Finding the “Hidden” Information
  4. The Annual Budget: Financing Your Plans
  5. Who are the companies that rose spectacularly and  providing wealth to the shareholders + Cases

Trainer : Monang Ringoringo, SE, Ak, MM – Finance & Accounting Manager PT. Matahari Departemen Store

DAY 5 : Marketing Strategy and Techniques

  1. The Evolution of Marketing. From Product Concept to Customer Centric Concept. Key Account Management
  2. Determinants of purchase decisions.
  3. Indonesian consumer behavior
  4. Marketing Strategy: The Discipline of Market Leader – Treacy Wieserma and the Connection with BSC
  5. Blue Ocean Strategy vs Red Ocean Strategy The breakthrough of young marketers 2011 in Indonesia

Trainer: Guntur Soboro, MBA, MSC – Comercial Director AoraTV, President Commissioners (Independent) of  PT. Centrin Online, Tbk since July 2010 and Commissioners  of Global Teleshop


Takes Mansion Hotel, Thamrin – Jakarta

Date & Time

  • November: 20 dan 27 ; Desember: 4, 11, 18
  • Time : Every Sunday : 8.30am – 4.30pm


  • Only IDR 7.500.000/person
  • Register before 10 Nov – discount 10

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