By January 28, 2011 0 Comments Read More →



Hotel Harris, Tebet, /  Setiabudi Building II, Kuningan-Jakarta Selatan |  23 – 25 Maret 2011 | Rp. 3.000.000,-


After completion this three-day course of “People Management”, participants should be able to :

  1. Understand two main task of manager in managing business and managing people, focusing on managing people.
  2. Identify people performance problem and to solve the problem through identifying the most probable cause and making the right decision.
  3. Develop their ability to manage subordinate’s performance by using an effective leadership and coaching principles.
  4. Develop an effective communication with the subordinates in the workplace.
  5. Develop subordinates through day-to-day supervision, giving effective feedback, and conducting objective performance appraisal.
  6. Conduct an effective development interview by using proper communication principles and techniques.



The course is designed on the basis of “learning by doing”, focusing on practicing people management at work through the combination of the following method:

  • Group Discussion
  • Role-playing
  • Exercises
  • Questionnaires
  • Feedback Session
  • Game
  • Development Interview


Training on “People Management” will be conducted in three days. Topics to be covered as follow:



Dra. Jenny Soeseno, Psi

Adalah Master Trainer di bidang Personality Development, Communication & Human Resource, dengan pengalaman memberikan training dan konsultansi selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Dengan pengalaman karir terakhir sebagai Senior Manager HR pada sebuah bank terkemuka di Indonesia.

Selain dikenal sebagai trainer yang handal selama bergabung di John Robert Powers, beliau juga memberikan training di berbagai lembaga dan perusahaan terutama untuk topik-topik: Personal Development, Interpersonal Communication, Time & Stress Management,  Business Presentation, Motivation, Strategic Interview & Recruitment, dsb.


Investasi :

(termasuk materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat)


Tempat : (mentioned in confirmation letter)

  • Hotel Harris, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan
  • Setiabudi Building II, Kuningan-Jakarta Selatan

Posted in: Business

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