By October 23, 2012 0 Comments Read More →

Measuring and Achieving Real Inventory Accuracy

Measuring and Achieving Real Inventory Accuracy

Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi / Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta | Desember 14th – 15th , 2012 | Rp. 3.750.000, –  (Full Fare)


Tingkat akurasi inventory (Inventory Record Accuracy) sangat penting dalam menjaga kepuasan pelanggan. Untuk mendapatkan IRA yang dapat dipercaya, perusahaan harus mengukur apakah inventorynya dapat menunjang kebutuhan customer, baik itu untuk kebutuhan master schedule maupun delivery finish good. Bisa saja tingkat IRA mencapai 99 % tapi tidak menjamin bahwa material / item penting tersedia untuk produksi. Pelatihan ini akan memberikan anda pengetahuan mengenai basic inventory management, inventory integrity, proses cycle counting yang akurat.


Who should attend:

  • Material manager
  • Inventory planners
  • Buyer/planners
  • Master schedulers
  • Manufacturing cost managers
  • Purchasing managers
  • Supply chain managers

Outline :

  • How we create more inventory than we need
  • On-hand record accuracy tolerance guidelines
  • Where cycle counting fits in the business process
  • Why high on-hand balance accuracy is insufficient to run a business
  • Ten steps to achieving true inventory integrity.
  • Improving your cycle counting process:
    • Measure inventory record accuracy in an environment with lot number/batch number control
    • Develop criteria for establishing cycle count tolerances
    • Adopt cycle count selection techniques that enhance inventory record accuracy
    • Identify the skills required to perform effective counts and investigations
    • Modify various cycle counting process parameters to enhance inventory record accuracy.

Workshop Leader:

Iwan Nova, MBA

Pengalaman 17 tahun dalam bidang manufacturing beberapa perusahaan MNC seperti Mitsubishi Electric, Sony, Mattel, Pirelli Cables. Lulus dari ITB teknik elektro dan mendapatkan MBA dari Monash University, Memperoleh sertifikat CPIM (Certified Production Inventory Management) yang dikeluarkan oleh APICS (American Production Inventory Control Society) pada 2005. Iwan pernah mengikuti berbagai short courses di manca negara sepertidi Amerika, Malaysia, Jepang dan RRC. Ia telah men deliver berbagai topik training dalam area operation management di berbagai perusahaan baik secara in house ataupun public.



  • Rp. 2.950.000, –  (Registration 3 person/more; payment before October 11th, 2012)
  • Rp. 3.250.000, –  (Reg before October 4th, 2012; payment before October 11th, 2012)
  • Rp. 3.750.000, –  (Full Fare; payment at the latest October 19th, 2012)
  • Add. charge 10 % will be applied for max 1 month late payment. And 20 % for payment after 1 month.


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