By February 16, 2009 0 Comments Read More →

Managing Stress in the Workplace

Managing Stress in the Workplace

Jakarta | 31 Maret 2009 | Rp 800.000,-

Jakarta | 4 November 2009 | Rp 800.000,-



The prospect of Countries’s economy and the development of different industries depend on the efforts and co-operation of all parties. A healthy workforce is the key to our success. Employers, occupiers, employees, the Government and the relevant organizations should co-operate with each other to maintain a good working environment so as to protect our health. In order to raise the occupational hygiene standards of the working environment and enhance the health of employees, the course has been prepared to assisting employers from all walks of life to promote occupational health in their own. Through this course employers can grasp the fundamentals of occupational health management, i.e. maintaining good occupational hygiene practice, preventing diseases and keeping good physical and mental health. By adhering to these basic principles, employers can raise productivity and create wealth.



The specific objectives of this course were to :

  • Understand factors that influence the health

and safety in the workplace.

  • Prevent the workers from Occupational Illness
  • Understand to implement Occupational Health

Management Programme.

  • Promote education and training for workplace health.



  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • Occupational / Work – Related Diseases
  • Management of Occupational Health
  • Implement Occupational Health Management Programme
  • Prevention of Occupational / Work – related Diseases
  • Physical Fitness and Work



Partisipatif, diskusi kelompok



Courses are aimed at workers, supervisors, managers, health and safety committee members, health and safety representatives, Human Resources (HR) professionals, industrial

hygienists, occupational health and safety physician / nurses and others with an interest in studying of occupational health problems in the workplace.



4 hours effective ( half day)



Abdul Baktiansyah, Dr, MS.

Beliau sangat berpengalaman dalam Kesehatan Kerja (Health) selama hampir 30 tahun. Pendidikan formal beliau didapat dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga pada tahun 1979, dan Magister of Science dalam Kedokteran Okupasi dari Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (2004), beliau juga sering mengikuti berbagai training baik itu di dalam maupun di luar negeri yang berkaitan dengan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja. Perjalanan Karir beliau sebagai praktisi kesehatan kerja dimulai sejak tahun 1982 – 2005, dimana beliau pernah mengemban jabatan sebagai Chief Medical Officer pada PT. Ekspan Kalimantan dan kemudian menjadi Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene Coordinator pada PT. Medco Energy E&P. Sekarang ini beliau aktif sebagai trainer & konsultan pada bidang Occupational Health & Industrial Hygiene.



  • 31 Maret 2009
  • 4 November 2009

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