By April 25, 2011 0 Comments Read More →

Leadership and Change Management Process

Leadership and Change Management Process

The Jayakarta Suite Hotel & Spa, Bandung |May 16-19, 2011| Rp  7.500.000,


Today, individual, teams and organizations face rapid change like never before such as new technologies, structure organization, environment, customer, policies, market scope, new competitor, etc. We should be able to follow these changes. But to adapt the changes, we need strategy and knowledge.

Change management is a structured approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. Leadership has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”.

Leadership is often considered a mysterious quality, often linked with charisma and other exotic personality traits. It is considered more inspiring than management. Leadership and management are essential, distinctive, and complementary systems of action. If they fail to complement one another in practice, the result is chaos or stagnation.


What will you learn in this course?

Introduction to Change

  • Theories and Perspectives
  • Psychology of Change the 7 Principles of Change

Change Management Process

  • Prosci’s 3-phase Process for Managing Change
  • Organizational Change Competency
  • Connecting Change Management to Business
  • Projects and Project Management

Preparing for Change

  • Define Your Change Management Strategy
  • Prepare Your Change Management Team
  • LeadeRship and Change Management
  • Develop Your Sponsorship Model

Managing Change

  • Communication Plan
  • Sponsor Roadmap
  • Coaching Plan
  • Resistance Management Plan
  • Training Plan
  • Master Change Plan

Reinforcing Change

  • Collect and Analyze Feedback
  • Diagnose Gaps and Manage Resistance
  • Implement Corrective Action
  • Celebrate Successes


Who should attend this course?

  • Staffs, Non-Staffs, and Supervisors from all level.




Muhammad Arman took two major in his bachelor degree. He finished his Physics Engineering majoring Instrumentation in Bandung Institute of Technology in 1994. Meanwhile, he also took Psychology in Padjadjaran University and graduated in 1997. In 2000, he followed course on Marketing and Business administration in Hogeschool Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Afterthat, he re-visited Netherland to take International Course on Hydrocarbon Refrigeration in 2004.

Since 1994 until present time, he is becoming Lecturer in State Polytechnic of Bandung, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Department. He teaches for the subject “Measurement System” for first year students and “Automatic Control” for second year students. Guides third year students for their final projects ‘Enterpreneurship”. He combined his psychological and engineering skills in handling students, partners and clients.

Meanwhile to practice his Psychological skills, since 1997, he becomes an Independent Psychologist, Counselor, and Human Resources Consultant. He makes some consultation, problem solving for individual client, spouse and group client. He also gives human resources consultation for Company.

Muhammad Arman has a lot of Experience in doing some Trainings and Consultations for several Companies in Engineering and also Psychological. He has been doing consultation for State-Owned Company in Banjarmasin in engineering and Management, designing, managing and conducting training for staff in field of management, engineering and service.



After finishing his cum laude study in Electrical Engineering, IKIP Jogjakarta in 1991, he joined with Computer Training Institution and IZZI Computer as a Trainer. In that year, he got appreciation as The Best Employee and being promoted as an Education & Training Manager.

In 1997 until 1998, he was getting interested to Human Resources Development and finished his Master Degree in STIE Jakarta. In 1998, he joined with AIDA Consultant as an Associate Consultant and he trusted to be Finance Manager until this present time. Meanwhile, he also gives management system training and consultation in order to help client in implementing the application of corporate culture, work attitude 5S, practical problem solving, corporate performance management, manufacturing management and competence-based human resources management (CBHRM) up to the most operational level.

During the year 0f 2008 and 2009, he had been a consultant for UNDP for the implementation of system HRM project as a Technical Assistant for NAD-Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agencies.

He is a Trainer and Public Speaker for Problem Solving, Communication Skill, Human Resources Management, Leadership, Managerial, Interpersonal and Motivational Training.



  • Rp  7.500.000,-/person for 1 Participants from 1 (one) Company
  • Rp  7.000.000,-/person for Minimum 4 persons from 1(one) Company
  • Rp  6.500.000,-/person for Minimum 6 persons from 1(one) Company


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