By January 20, 2014 0 Comments Read More →

Excellent Team – PASTI JALAN

How To Manage & Motivate an Excellent Team
Hotel Harris Tebet, Jakarta | 06 – 07 Februari 2014 | Rp 3.500.000 – PASTI JALAN
Fave Hotel, Bali | 16 – 17 April 2014 | Rp 4.000.000- PASTI JALAN


Ketika perusahaan/organisasi semakin besar, jumlah karyawan juga turut bertambah besar. Semakin banyak karyawan semakin banyak kemauan, harapan dan bermacam-macam motivasinya. Atasan sering kesulitan bagaimana harus mengelola timnya dan bagaimana agar karyawan tetap termotivasi sehingga mereka dapat berkontribusi dengan baik kepada perusahaan/organisasi dan dalam waktu yang bersamaan motivasi mereka juga tetap “on fire.” Diperlukan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam mengelola aspek dari motivasi “people” ini agar tujuan perusahaan/organisasi tercapai.



Tujuan :

Workshop ini membantu para Leader di perusahaan/organisasi untuk:

  1. Memahami bagaimana pentingnya memiliki tim yang excellent (unggul)
  2. Mampu mengidentifikasi karakteristik tim yang excellent
  3. Mampu membangun tim yang excellent
  4. Mampu mempertahankan dan membakar semangat excellent team melalui tindakan-tindakan yang bersifat memotivasi
  5. Membentuk mindset positif dalam managing people. Sebuah tim dapat menjadiexcellent atau tidak sangat dipengaruhi oleh mindset dan peran pemimpinnya
  6. Membekali pengetahuan praktis dalam menangani tim agar menjadi unggulan


Silabus Excellent Team :

  1. Managing vs Leading
  2. Motivation: Theory & Principles
  3. Metaphor excellent team: The What, How & Why
  4. The Leaders Mindset towards team
  5. Team Dynamic
  6. Team Mapping:
    1. Know Your Team Principle
    2. Team Profile & How to deal with
  7. Motivators & De-motivators Factors: Building High Performance Team
  8. Leadership challenges:
    1. Trust & Credibility
    2. Energize your team: managing diversity
    3. Provide direction: set clear, shared goals
    4. Create a positive team climate
    5. Resolve conflict: Use them to your advantages
  9. People Empowerment
    1. Powerful Delegating
    2. Awesome coaching
  10. How to motivate


Trainer : Elvin D. L. Tobing, Psi, CBA, CPHR, CHt

  • Founder Human Potential ( HR Consulting, Leadership and Motivation Training, Assessment, Outbound Organizer)
  • Associate Trainer at XP Training (PT Tripillar Cahya Abadi), training vendor for oil and gas company
  • Senior Trainer at InCito Insitute (Training, Assessment and Outbound)
  • Psychologist graduated from Psychology Dept UGM, Jogjakarta
  • Starting his career as HRD at LG Electronics, PT. Bank Ekonomi, Tbk (member HSBC Group), PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk, PT WOM FINANCE, Tbk (BII Group).  Latest career in HR is as HR Business Partner Senior Manager at an  International Advertising and Agency Company.
  • Certified as  Professional in Human Resources(CPHR) from SHRM USA
  • Certified as Hypnotherapist Practitioner (CHt) from Indoneisa Board of Hypnosis
  • Behavior Analyst
  • Trainer, Motivator, Team Building Director at some famous companies and organization such as: Agung Podomoro Group, Modern Land, Indo Cater (Metro TV Group),  Voksel Electric, Islamic Hospital Network at East Java,  Era Permata 21, Multi Mitra Perkasa, Geoservices, Detmold Packaging, Petrolog Schenker, Sucorinvest, FAB Indonesia, Missi Idea, Ditjen Pegadaian, RAPP Collins, DDB Indonesia, Iris Worldwide, Soho Group(Consumer HealthDivision), RS Aisyiyah Bojonegoro, Oil & Gas companies, etc
  • Assessor for Psychological Assessment at some companies and


Investasi :

Rp 3.500.000,-

termasuk ( Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat )



Tempat : 

Hotel Harris Tebet, Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 191 – Jakarta Selatan


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