By August 25, 2011 0 Comments Read More →



Harris Hotel Tebet /Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi, Jakarta | Sabtu – Minggu, 1-10-2011 – 2-10-2011 | Rp 3.150.000,- (Full Fare)

This program identifies and focuses on the skills required for achieving positive results through negotiation. It equips the participants with the tools, techniques and concepts that are required to manage negotiations successfully

Training Objective :

By the end of this course, delegates will:

  • Understand the elements of good negotiation
  • Work through all negotiations in a structured way to achieve the desired outcome
  • Apply active listening techniques
  • Observe and record during negotiations
  • Evaluate performance after meetings
  • Negotiate towards resolution appropriate

Who should attend ?
Anyone, whose role requires negotiation with others, for example: managers, team leaders, supervisors, sales and account managers, customer service representative, or anyone seeking to acquire the skills involved in these roles.

Training Method:
Skills are extensively practised so that the delegates are ready to implement new customer-directed behaviour on their return to work.

Outline :

  • Introduction to Selling
  • Selling Principle
  • Phase 1: Finding Customer
  • Phase 2: Preparing
  • Phase 3: Opening
  • Phase 4: Investigating
  • Phase 5: Product offering
  • Phase 6: Objection Handling
  • Phase 7: Closing
  • Selling Mistakes

Course Leader :

Haikal J. Mukhtar ST, MM

Praktisi yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang Sales, Keuangan dan Perbankan serta telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan MNC dalam berbagai posisi managerial. Sebagai seorang lulusan Magister Management – Finance and Banking dari Universitas Indonesia dan the Citibank Asia Pacific Banking Institute, Mr. Haikal menghadirkan suatu percampuran yang unik antara akademisi dan pengalaman praktisional terutama meliputi berbagai project di dalam dan luar negeri, penempatan di berbagai posisi dan wilayah wilayah di dalam negeri serta pengembangan bisnis di sektornya Sebagai fasilitator dari beberapa modul pelatihan khususnya dalam bidang Sales, Keuangan dan Perbankan, Mr. Heikal melengkapi setiap modul pelatihan yang diselenggarakan dengan aplikasi komputer praktis barbasis MS Excel, sehingga materi lebih mudah dipahami sekaligus diimplementasikan di tempat kerja.

Jadual & Lokasi :

  • Sabtu – Minggu, 1-10-2011 – 2-10-2011
  • Harris Hotel Tebet /Hotel Aryaduta Semanggi

Fee/Investasi :

  • Rp 3.150.000,- (Full Fare)
  • Early Bird Rp 2.950.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 24 September 2011
  • Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 5.600.000 untuk pendaftaran 2 orang peserta

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