By October 18, 2011 0 Comments Read More →



Hotel IBIS, Yogyakarta  | 31 Oktober – 2  November  2011 | IDR  5.000.000 per peserta – non residential 


At the heart of all great organizations are the people who drive the organization’s purpose and its success, the people who need to lead themselves and others. Combined with comprehensive pressures and the constant need to adapt and change, the demands of strong leadership at every level of an organization are essential to its strategic alignment, effectiveness and success.

This program is designed to provide exposure to a spectrum of leadership frameworks and facilitates a reflective experience for each participant concerning their approach to a leading and the capabilities they need to develop as leaders.


  1. Understand and apply a leader’s role in inspiring people to reach beyond the ordinary
  2. Understand the nature of leadership and how different styles impact others
  3. Demonstrate understanding of and concern for others
  4. Build coherence by clarifying roles, rules and processes
  5. Serve as a source of optimism and enthusiasm while raising excellence and innovation
  6. Recognize ways to lead effectively under a variety of conditions or circumstances
  7. Apply coaching skills in motivating performance and achieving results
  8. Learn and apply effective problem solving and decision making strategies
  9. Deal with conflict in the work place effectively
  10. Lead effectively in times of change


Laying the Leadership Foundation

  •  Define leadership
  • The difference between managing and leading
  • The leader’s role in inspiring people to reach beyond the ordinary

The Evolving Role of Leaders

  • Understand the changes in the workplace
  • Globalization and technological advances that have created a demand for a new generation of leaders

Personal Leadership

  • Explore participant’s leadership style
  • How they impact others and where they need to develop in order to be a more effective leader

Enhancing Effectiveness

  • Develop leadership skills to enhance the effective team
  • How they achieve the organization’s strategic objectives and goals

Anchoring Influence

  • Develop and apply constructive and personal styles of persuasion which is an essential ingredient of leading and driving initiatives

Coaching High Performance

  • The importance of coaching as a leadership tool in motivating performance and achieving results
  • Coaching skills to create a more positive work environment
  • Enhance communication skills and improve employee performance

Problem Solving & Decision Making

  •  Effective problem solving strategies or models
  • The nature of human decision-making and developing the skills for effective team decisions

Dealing with Conflict

  • Explore the reasons behind conflict
  •  How people respond to conflict and how conflict can be addressed in a collaborative manner.

Transformational Leadership

  • Lead change and develop individual transformational leadership skills

Action Plan

  • Review the key learning from the program, present the project assignments and develop an action plan for applying new leadership skills.

The Team Building

  • Identify and analyze the challenges and opportunities in building a solid team
  • Create a teambuilding plan in that facilitates achievement of  the team’s overall goals.


  • Understand effective priciplas of communication in leadership
  • Implement effective communication technique in leadership style


  • general principles  of budgeting skills

Analytical Thinking

  • Change the paradigm
  •  How to think strategically and optimizing self-potency (Scamper)



Managers and supervisors who need to successfully develop their leadership abilities to manage teams and drive performance while moving into a broader and more strategic role in their organizations


Lecturing, workshop,  diskusi konsultatif, dan studi kasus.


Drs. Amin Wibowo, MBA and team


  • 31 Oktober – 2  November  2011
  • Hotel IBIS Yogyakarta  Jl. Malioboro No. 53-58 Yogyakarta


  • IDR  5.000.000 per peserta – non residential


  •  Training module (hard & softcopy)
  • Training kit (tas seminar atau backpack)
  • 2x coffee break, 1x lunch
  • Souvenir
  • Sertifikat
  • Training Photo
  • Picking-up service dari Bandara/Stasiun KA ke hotel (min. 2 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama)

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