By March 5, 2012 0 Comments Read More →

Contractor Selection & Tender Management Program, Yogyakarta

Contractor Selection & Tender Management Program
Jogjakarta | May 1-3, 2012 | IDR 7.250.000-/ Person


It is very common when goods and or services are late, procurement or materials department is the place to blame. The end users always hide behind the magic word “urgent”, “emergency” or “operational requirements”. It unavoidable sometime it was due to the bureaucratic in procurement but bare in mind that is also often due to poor planning from the end users. However if we think wisely and maturely as a team, the root cause is often because lack of understanding on procurement process and pre-requisite documents to support proper procurement process. When the users departments understand the basic knowledge of procurement process, it will significantly improve the procurement activities. In general, this will end up with more competitive cost for the company.

This training will improve knowledge of the participants about the procurement activities such as: contractor selection, pre-tender work, tender process, correctly completing materials/contract request, lead time for ordering, tender committee establishment, contract kick-off, safety and legal aspects, contract execution and contract close out, as well as special topic: e-Reverse Auction/e-Tender implementation.

This training will deliver the Contractor Management Concept emphasizing from end users view point. This training is also aiming to put the procurement and end users on the same boat, to deliver the best results for the company.

Training Methodology:

A combination between theory, case study and role play actively involving all participants


Some benefits will be gained by the delegates after attending this training:

  1. Improve the contract management program (bidding, commissioning of contract, execution, tracking, documenting, closing and post mortem)
  2. Improve knowledge on safety and legal aspects of contract engagement
  3. Understand the basic procurement process that at the end will speed up the procurement process
  4. Improve awareness of pre-procurement process to be done by the end users
  5. Properly prepare materials and or contract requisition forms
  6. Increase knowledge on contract management to optimize the contract implementation
  7. Minimize the residual risk by running proper contract management program (CMP)


Day 1

  1. Introduction & Background Information
  2. Global Contracting Philosophy
  • Management commitment
  • Core value
  • Contracting key drivers
  • Contractual expectations
  • Program ownership
  • Contract Management Programme (CMP) continues circle
  • Team members roles and responsibilities

3. Legal Issue behind CMP

Day 2

4. Procurement Process

  • Contracting strategy
  • Pre-tender work
    • Expectation
    • Tender package
    • Technical specification
    • Personnel specification
    • Commercial specification
    • Package internal review
  • Tender process
    • Mailing
    • Package external review
    • Pre-bid meeting
    • Bid submission
    • Bid evaluation
    • Award

5. Negotiation Skills and Insurance

Day 3

6. e-Reverse Auction, e-Tender

7. Post Tender Process

  • Contract commencement
    • Signing
    • Kick-off meeting/induction
  • Contractors Management Program
    • Contract performance management
    • Contract management during contract term
    • Tracking
    • Record Management
    • End or extend the contract
    • Contract closing

8. Conclusion


This training is aiming for contract/procurement engineer and the end users who frequently deal with ordering goods and or services. The end users normally prepare the specifications, scope of work, and request-form for contract/procurement/materials departments to execute. Those end users are commonly from maintenance, rotating, instrumentation, operation, drilling, production, exploration, engineering and also HRD.


Ir. Asep Saefulbachri, MBA, MM. An engineer graduated from Industrial Technique, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and continued his study in Master in Business Administration. He also widened his knowledge through several trainings abroad. His got his experience in material management, warehousing and transportation management, and management of information system during 15 years working in Direktorat Logistik in Head Office of PT. Telkom. He also is being a lecturer in post-graduate program, majoring logistics management in Pasundan University, Bandung and also in several well-known universities in Bandung, STT Telkom majoring Industrial Technique. He also becomes a lecturer in the Magister management program in Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung (STMB Telkom).

He got the experience to deliver In-company Trainings and/or seminars in a few management institutions in Bandung, Jakarta, Syrabaya and Kuala Lumpur, specializing in logistics management and supply chain. Up until now, he also still active as a logistics trainer in some companies, such as Pertamina, Petrochina, PT. badak, PT. Inco Soroako, Telkom, Telkomsel, etc.

General Information

Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.


  • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.
  • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
  • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.


  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.
  • Interactive presentation with discussion
  • Convenient training facilities with five star quality
  • Lunch per day
  • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment  (Optional)
  • Exclusive flash disk.

Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

  • IDR 7.250.000,-/ Person
  • Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

Minimum Participant

This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)

Posted in: Yogyakarta

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