By April 19, 2012 0 Comments Read More →


Hotel Morrissey | Tuesday, May 15, 2012 | 09.00 – 12.00 | Rp. 4.000.000,/orang



In the early 1990s the Government of the Republic of Indonesia faced chronic power shortages to fulfill the growing need of electricity both for Industry and society. Due to such circumstances, the Government in around 1992 has taken an anticipated action and invited private enterprise to participate in the electricity sector. These private power projects are known as Independent Power Producers (IPPs). The government has taken several actions to support the growth of investment in power project through their policies and issues some regulatory support to provide legal certainty in power project implementation. However, financial crisis that hit most of the Asian countries in the late 1990s has terribly affected Indonesia and most of IPPs program is abandoned. Learning from such condition, the government has started their new effort to invite private investor back to this sector. The government has taken some significant reform especially on the regulatory aspect, legal certainty and guarantee support as well.

This workshop is designed to provide comprehensive understanding on power project development in Indonesia. The workshop content will focus on electricity regulatory regime in Indonesia, how to structure Power Project in Indonesia, comprehensive understanding on the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) as well as power sector update from legal perspective.

Workshop Content

  • Introduction on Power Project in Indonesia
  • Power Project update from legal perspective
  • Electricity Regulatory Regime in Indonesia
  • Government supports/guarantee for power project in Indonesia
  • Structure of power project in Indonesia
  1. How to structure a power project in Indonesia
  2. Key project documents in a power project in Indonesia
  3. Key players and their role in power projects in Indonesia
  • Understanding the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
  1. Where PPA fits into the Structure
  2. Importance and objective of PPA
  3. Issues and risk allocation under the PPA
  • Case study on Power Purchase Agreement


Kirana D. Sastrawijaya, S.H.,  MM

She is a lawyer, specializing in power development, power M&A and project financing. She has extensive experience in energy and infrastructure development and financing including drafting and negotiating agreements related to electricity sector (e.g. power purchase agreements, sponsor agreements), advising and assisting international sponsors in bidding process of power projects in Indonesia, negotiating and liaising with government authorities on government guarantee for electricity projects, advising on electricity sector and industry in Indonesia; highly involved in many transactions for acquisition of power companies in Indonesia. She also has significant experience in advising and representing clients on renewable energy, a public-private partnership development scheme, construction, and oil and gas sectors. Kirana’s experience in power sector includes advising and representing a consortium of major foreign companies in negotiation with the National Electricity Company on an Energy Sales Contract from Geothermal field, which is the first ESC under the New Geothermal regime, Advising and representing a regional-owned company in development of  a large-scale hydro power plant project with a project finance scheme, advising and representing a consortium of major foreign companies in the amendment process of an Energy Sales Contract for the sale of electricity generated from a geothermal-fired power project, advising and representing a consortium of major foreign companies in negotiating a Power Purchase Agreement with the National Electricity Company (i.e. PT PLN), advising and representing a consortium of major foreign companies in financing Independent Power Producers and acquiring a stake in coal-fired power projects developed by Independent Power Producers (IPPs), advising a major foreign company in a Power Purchase Agreement negotiation for a project under a Public-Private Partnership scheme, advising a major geothermal JOC (Joint Operating Contract) contractor and sponsors of the contractor in several tender processes, several corporate structure issues and land acquisitions for the project.

Achmad Rubowo, SH, MKn.

Investment Management Consultant Specialized in Power Project SectorHe has joined withPT. Prakarsa Ekatama Advisory (PEA) since 2008 as Legal and HRD Manager. PEA is management consultancy company engage in Electricity and and energy covering business aspects, commercial, strategic especially on regulatory regime and government relation, electricity power and its relation with PLN, Power Plant engineering and power plant conversion network as well as Electricity investment management. He has extensive experience in power projects in Indonesia as well as providing training and capacity building in power sector.


Electric Company Officials and Personnel, Ministry officials and Electric Regulators, Development Banks Personnel, Investor in Power Project Sector, Legal Consultant, Legal Manager and any parties interested to energy and power project transaction


  • Rp. 3.000.000,-/person if payment made before  the workshop
  • Rp 4.000.000,-/person if payment made after the workshop
    • Payment include soft copy module, certificate of attendance, lunch and twice copy break
    • enjoy 50% discount for the 5th participant from the same company/institution)



Posted in: Law and Compliance

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