Corporate In House Legal Role (All Companies)
Corporate In House Legal Role (All Companies)
Hotel Haris, Jakarta | 26 – 27 November 2012 | Rp. 3,750,000/ Peserta
Lingkup pekerjaan seorang in house legal atau staf hukum perusahaan akan bergantung pada kebijakan masing-masing perusahaan dan akan disesuaikan dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan perusahaan tersebut. In house legal dalam suatu perusahaan tidak hanya mengurus masalah internal perusahaan, tapi juga mengurus masalah eksternal perusahaan. Mengenai harus ada atau tidaknya in house legal di suatu perusahaan kembali pada kebutuhan dan kebijakan perusahaan tersebut. Kedudukan in house legal sebagai di suatu perusahaan memiliki peranan penting. Hal ini disebabkan segala hal yang berhubungan dengan jalannya suatu perusahaan sangat bergantung pada dokumen-dokumen, perizinan-perizinan, surat-surat dan langkah-langkah hukum yang harus ditempuh jika terjadi masalah hukum.
Business skills for In-house lawyers
- What makes an effective in-house adviser
- Understanding business performance
- Leadership challenges in a dynamic work environment
- Strategic leadership
- How professional lawyers think? Creative and lateral way of thinking that can be adopted for In house
- When to ask help from external counsel? How to choose lawyers? Reputation, network, competence or referral
- Reviewing contracts, attention to details
- Think commercially when drafting and reviewing contracts
- Think commercially when drafting and reviewing contracts
- Boiler plate clauses
- Be clear about the objective of negotiation
- ·Recognise the different phases of negotiation
- Prepare effectively
- Communicate effectively in the negotiation environment
- Bargain successfully
- Assess the power balance
- Apply psychological power
Role and position
The art of negotiation
Yuni Pratikno, SH
Hotel Haris, Jakarta
26 – 27 November 2012
Normal : Rp. 3,750,000/ Peserta
(Including: Tas Ransel Ekslusif , Materi hand-out , Flasdisk 4 GB isi materi , 2x Lunch, 4x coffee break, dan sertifikat )