Training Manajemen

Personal Assistants and Secretarial Excellence

Personal Assistants and Secretarial Excellence

Jakarta | 17 – 18 Juli 2014 | Rp 3.500.000,-
Jakarta | 09 – 10 September 2014 | Rp 3.500.000,-
Jakarta | 18 – 19 November 2014 | Rp 3.500.000,-




Secretaries, Personal Assistants and support personnel play very vital role in ensuring harmonious office atmosphere, ease of work and enhance the Superior’s image to the public. A competent staff proves to be great asset to his/her superior(s) and the overall organization.

This program will provide the knowledge, skills & tools in all areas crucial for competent secretaries & support personnel.


Secretaries; Personnel Assistant; Junior Executive


  • Understanding the scope and importance of their roles to support and assist.
  • Learn the customer’s (bosses, internal & external) expectations and how to manage them.
  • How to communicate effectively: choice of words, intonation, body language; projecting professional image as a front-liner (dressing and grooming).
  • Basic skills in business writing: format, style and organization of writing (letters, memos, minutes, telephone messages).
  • Effective communication through the telephone: use of voice, intonation and the right words; handling inquiries and managing difficult callers.
  • Office housekeeping: organizing and prioritizing of work.


The program will be conducted using a combination of lectures, discussion, case studies and role plays.

Trainer : Carlina Agnes Patuwo

Carlina A. Patuwo – Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan bidang sekretaris di Akademi Sekretari / Lembaga Pendidikan Kejuruan Tarakanita (Aksek/LPK Tarakanita) dengan gelar Bachelor of Secretarial Science pada tahun 1982, Lina memulai kariernya sebagai sekretaris Managing Director, perusahaan pabrik pipa di Jakarta.  Setelah 11 tahun menduduki posisi sebagai Executive Secretary dan Personal Assistants di berbagai perusahaan multinasional dan perusahaan patungan asing, dan 12 tahun sebagai Corporate Secretary, Administration Manager, Human Resources dan Training Manager di berbagai perusahaan patungan Asuransi dan Perbankan, Lina memutuskan untuk konsentrasi di bidang konsultansi manajemen dan pelatihan.  Jabatan beliau terakhir sebagai Human Resource dan Training Manager, juga Administration Manager pada perusahaan perbankan patungan Jepang dan Singapore di Jakarta selama 7.5 tahun.

Sejak tahun 2005, Lina mendirikan dan mengembangan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang HR Consultancy, Executive Search, dan Learning & Development, dan Corporate Marketing & Communications Consultant di tahun 2008.  Lina dikenal sebagai fasilitator untuk bidang personality development, services, communication, public relations, management development, recruitment, HR and Training, secretarial and office administrative, dan personal branding sejak tahun 1999.

Investasi :

Rp 3.500.000,-

termasuk ( Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat )

Tempat :

Hotel Harris Tebet, Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 191 – Jakarta Selatan

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