Training Manajemen



Yogyakarta| Batch II : 14 – 16 Juni 2011| 08:00-16:00 WIB |Rp 4.250,000,-/peserta (Non resindential)



Organizations face a daunting array of challenges. Globalization, increased competition, rapid technological change, diverse workforces, escalating demands for productivity — for “high performance workplaces” — These “constant whitewater” conditions are demanding a broader and deeper range of skills from managers and leaders as well as from workers.

As a result, the emphasis is shifting from developing individual knowledge and skills to implementing performance improvement strategies. This shift has redefined the role of the Human Resources Development staff. No longer is it enough to offer a menu of courses and measure success by attendance rates. Today, trainers must become performance consultants who use their expertise in a variety of ways to add value to the organization’s results.

This shift requires that Human Resource Development staff learn new skills and use new tools to improve the performance of individuals, teams, Departments, business units, and the organization as a whole. This workshop is designed to prepare your staff for this broader role.



This workshop enables Human Resources staff to help achieve business objectives through improving individual, group, and organizational performance. It focuses on clarifying and redefining the role of the performance consultant, and on providing the tools and skills needed to diagnose needs and implement performance improvement strategies


Course Outline

Why is the role of trainer changing? Why now?

  1. What roles does a staff consultant play?
  2. How can a staff consultant earn credibility?
  3. How the staff consultant demonstrates added value
  4. Overview of the Performance Consulting model
  5. Contracting: how to respond to requests as a consultant
  6. Objectives of Performance Needs Analysis
  7. The Performance Needs Analysis Model
  8. How to describe the IS – SHOULD performance gap
  9. How to collect data: Sources and methods
  10. How to develop competency models
  11. Methods for data analysis and interpretation
  12. How to interpret “soft” data as well as statistical data
  13. How to develop targeted solutions
  14. How to decide when training is appropriate and when it is not
  15. How to win support for development solutions
  16. How to Influence decision making
  17. How to develop targeted solutions
  18. How to influence decision making
  19. What to do when the client chooses to make a “bad” decision


What Should Attends

HR Staff, Supervisor and Manager


Instruktur :

  • Drs. Bambang Toto Udjiantoro MM,
  • (Psikolog, Expert in Human Resources Development)

Course Method

  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi
  • Studi Kasus
  • Evaluasi



  • Pelatihan Reguler  (NON RESIDENTIAL)
  • Rp. 4.250.000,-/nett per participant  non  residential
  • Rp 3.850.000,-/3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama


Course Fee  :

  • Batch II : 14 – 16 Juni 2011
  • Yogyakarta



  • Module / Handout
  • Sertifikat
  • Souvenir
  • Training Kit

Formulir Permintaaan Informasi Lanjutan / Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training
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  11. PRE REGISTRATION DATA (Tidak Mengikat)
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