Hotel Menara Peninsula Slipi, Jakarta | Senin-Selasa, 2-3 Juli 2012 | 09 – 17.00 WIB | Rp. 3.500.000,-
Hotel Menara Peninsula Slipi, Jakarta | Kamis-Jumat, 2-3 Agustus 2012 | 09 – 17.00 WIB | Rp. 3.500.000,-
1. Results of research on: Why companies can be successful.
- From 7s to BSC.
- The latest research: 7 essentials of high growth companies ( David G. Thomson)
2. Results of research on: Why even successful companies could fail.
- From Billion Dollar Lessons to
- How the Mighty Fall ( Jim Collins )
3. Differentiate ( Uniqueness ) or Die
4. 5Cs : Company – Customers- Competitors – Changes – Collaboration
5. Achieving Vision and Mission through Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard
6. Business Model – Source of Revenues
7. Strategies for riding a tidal wave of business 2011 + Cases
1. Customer Centric for All Manager
- How customers think
- Indonesian consumer behaviors
- 3 segments
- Strategy for each segment ( Treacy Wieserma )
- Understanding Marketing Metrics
2. Internal Process / Operations Management for All Managers
- Process analysis / Process FlowChart
- Measuring Process Performance
- Improving Quality : DMAIC and ServQual
- Supply Chain Strategy
3. Leveraging Human Capital for All Managers
- Memotivasi manager non HR untuk turut memikirkan SDM
- Internalizing Corporate Culture in each Business Unit
4. Small Project Management in Business Unit for Continuous Improvement Project Initiation
- Finding gaps : problem OR opportunity
- Funneling and prioritizing
- General Aims: Project Objective (what will be achieved by when)
- Initial Risk(s)
- Project Deliverables (what will be delivered by when)
- Shareholder analysis
- Success Criteria (what will meet or exceed the expectation of each stakeholder)
5. Deliverable / Output:
- Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard
- Pemilihan Marketing Strategy
- 1-page Strategic Planning ( used in Astra and Triputra )
- Motivating employees with NON-MONETARY approach
- Small Project (Revenue Improvement OR Cost Reduction )
- Managers know the big picture on the running business unit.
- Managers understand all aspect on business functions across finance, operation, marketing, learning/growth and customer.
- Managers can align with other dept and creating internal value chain
- Managers can improve its department performance by executing project improvement plan
Pelatihan ini menekankan penggunaan diskusi,simulasi, games, pembahasan kasus-kasus, latihan, multimedia.
He is an Organization Development consultant in several companies. When he was a VP Training and Senior Consultant in progressive Consulting Firm, he successfully “diagnoses” the most important priorities to address in the organization, suggests a change?management plan, and then guides the organization through the necessary change in Nuqul Group in Jordan ? Middle East. Nuqul Group embraces 31 regional and global companies, with 3000 employees in Jordan and over 5500 worldwide.
Daniel also assisted Change Management Program in Coal Mining company from Thailand, handled Managers Development Programs and improving corporate system using KPI and Balanced Scorecard in several oil companies , coal mining companies , banks, IT and cement industry. His last project was OD Consultation in Garuda Indonesia – Perumnas – and in Darya Varia Lab (including Medifarma and Prafa)
His main expertise is in improving the effectiveness of people
and organizations by:
- Establishing relationships with key personnel in the Organization
- Researching and evaluating systems in the organization to understand dysfunctions and/or goals of the systems in the organization
- Identifying approaches (or “interventions”) to improve effectiveness of the organization and its people;
- Applying approaches to improve effectiveness
- Evaluating the ongoing effectiveness of the approaches and their results.
He is also a senior lecturer, with 14 years outstanding facilitating and lecturing experience in well?known MBA programs. He won best lecturer at London School ? Post Graduate Program and Monash University, In the distant past, he was also a facilitator for state?owned companies such as PT Krakatau Steel & Pemda Sumatra Barat, and also as an Instructor in several educational institutions in Jakarta :
LPKT Gramedia , Purwadhika, Megahertz etc .
As a contributor for national magazines such as SWA , Kontan and Jakarta Post, he got Certified Professional Director from IICD in 2009
Jadwal & Tempat :
- Senin-Selasa, 2-3 Juli 2012
- Kamis-Jumat, 2-3 Agustus 2012
- Pkl. 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
- Hotel Menara Peninsula Slipi Jakarta
Investasi :
- Rp. 3.500.000,- /peserta
- Including : Sertifikat,Training Modules, Workshop kit, Lunch, Snack, Foto 10R.