Effective Presentation Skills
Effective Presentation Skills
Jakarta | 23rd -25th February | 2.250.000,-
Do you want to present your ideas with conviction, control and pose? Do you want to overcome those ‘presentation anxieties’ and become comfortable and relaxed with your own speaking style? Do you want to expertly handle a challenging audience?
In this course, you will learn to deliver a presentation that’s clear, informative, memorable, motivating and convincing.
Other Benefits
Analyzing your audience
Organize your thoughts and write a clearly focused outline that wastes no words or time
Developing your writing and organizing techniques
Using visual aids
Speak clearly and confidently in both prepared and impromptu speaking situations
Managing presentation stress
Speak and think with greater clarity and purpose stressing key ideas
Face an audience with confidence and control and make the most of your own natural speaking
Use your words and your body to convince and persuade the audience.
Who Should Attend
Anybody who wants to improve his/her skills in presentation ability.
Two and half days – 20 hours.
1. Introduction / Background
Workshop objectives
Expectation of participants.
2. The 7 Steps in Effective Presentation
3. Pre-Design
Initial planning, Situational analysis
Goal and Message Definition
Audience analysis
Planning the presentation Approach.
4. Design
Techniques to expedite the design process
The standard presentation formula
Organizations tools
Titles -A full house may depend on them.
5. Build the Content
Explanation -desc’s, definitions and ground rules
Supporting material -the meat of the presentation
Visual aids Limited multimedia and multi-image presentations.
6. Make Arrangements
Six Axioms
Arranging for facilities, equipment and incidentals.
7. Test and Evaluate
Planning a productive test phase
Conducting a productive dry run
Some criteria for evaluating presentations.
8. Deliver: Show Time!
Overview – some basic points
Achieving positive nonverbal messages
Language – the verbal channel
Transmission of language – the voice.
9. Follow-up: You’re not Through Yet
Kind of follow-up
Assessment and feedback.
10. Special Presentation Situation
The team presentation
International presentation
Speaking from a manuscript
The presenter as emcee.
11. Closing (Summary and Conclusion).